Frequently Asked

Does it have to be on Saturday?

[expand title="The short answer is no, it doesn't... (read more)"] We’ve been called Second Saturday for so long that we have a strong online presence with over 9,000 new users monthly. We do have a tagline “Not just on Saturday anymore”. As the leader, you can choose when to have your workshop based on what works best for your community. Our New York leader, for example, knows people don’t come back to the city on weekends, so she hosts her workshop on Thursday evenings.

Of the leaders we currently have, 60% hold their workshop on the second Saturday.

We recommend starting your first year on the second Saturday and get some feedback. Then, change the day if it works better for your community. [/expand]

Are Workshops Held Online or In-Person?

[expand title="Workshops can be held Online, In-Person, or both.... (read more)"] Current COVID-19 considerations make physical gatherings difficult so in-person workshops have been suspended in some communities. Zoom and other virtual meetings have been well received and well attended.[/expand]

Is it the same Workshop every time? Or is the Workshop different material?

[expand title="Yes, the material you license is the same presentation... (read more)"]

Your presenters may change, and the attendees will always be different (we occasionally have repeaters). We find the presentation covers the core information the audience needs to hear, and the attendees drive the conversation from there. So, while the presentation is the same, each workshop will be different because of the experience and expertise you bring to the table.

You can follow the presentation verbatim or pepper it with your experience. We provide the presentation material as a framework so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel!

The Workshop typically lasts 3-4 hours, depending on how your presenters present and how many questions you choose to field from the attendees. [/expand]

Do I have to have the same presenters?

[expand title="That is up to you!... (

Our leaders have found success with a core team or a roster of presenters. In North Carolina, the leader has 4 attorneys and they pick their dates for when they’d like to present at the beginning of the year. There’s more flexibility with that model in case someone gets sick or goes on vacation, and you increase your referral network.


Where do people typically have them?

[expand title="You can host your Workshop anywhere, as long as it’s within your territory... (read more)"]

We suggest a nice office that’s roomy and available to you to get started, like a conference room in your building or one of your partner’s buildings. Look for what’s free, easy, and convenient for attendees to get to.

Libraries, community centers, real estate offices, and local college campuses are also good options. Because of your non-profit association with Second Saturday and WIFE.org, you can often get a discounted rate on space rentals. If you’d like that paperwork, please let me know.

The other bonus with hosting your Workshop at the library or community center is that they often have a newsletter that you can ask to be mentioned in. That’s additional marketing without any extra cost or effort on your part!


How much does it cost?

Your partnership with Second Saturday is a licensing agreement... (read more)

The first-year cost is $3,300*. This includes:

  • One-time contribution of $1,500
  • + Annual fee of $1,800 ($150/month).

*If you choose to pay in full, you receive a 5% discount (net cost: $3,135)

The contracts are year to year. About 30 days before your contract expires, you’ll receive an email from us asking if you wish to renew. The second-year is $1,800 ($150/month). If paid in full, you receive the 5% discount (net cost: $1,710)

What's the return on investment?

[expand title="We find around 75% of attendees convert to clients... (read more)"]

The important aspect to remember is that most attendees who seek out Second Saturday are just beginning to consider if they want to get a divorce, so this is a top of the funnel investment.

The good news is that you are also their first point of contact and first trusted authority on the matter, both of which increase the likelihood attendees will seek out your services if the choose to move forward with their divorce.

You can also move attendees into your marketing funnel, if you choose to, and continue to nurture them as a potential lead after they’ve attended your Workshop.

As a leader, hosting a Workshop is also an opportunity to network with other divorce professionals and establish your credibility. Our leaders often find the most return on their investment through the referrals they get from other leaders outside of the Workshop.  [/expand]

Can I charge for the Workshop? And if I do, who gets the money?

[expand title="Yes, you can charge for your Workshop... (

Most of our leaders charge anywhere from $20-$45. Here in San Diego, our founder, Ginita Wall, has charged $45 for the last 30 years.

Some leaders host their Workshops for free. It’s really up to you.

If you choose to charge for your Workshop, that money can be used to offset the cost to rent a space or your licensing fee. We also have leaders that choose to donate the money to a local charity or back to WIFE.org. It’s entirely up to you. [/expand]

Do you market for us or do I have to market myself?

[expand title="It’s a combination of both. Second Saturday follows a top-down marketing strategy... (read more)"]

Our website, Instagram, and Facebook pages are all there to educate and inform potential attendees of Second Saturday and what’s available at a Workshop. Our call-to-action across all platforms is “Find a Workshop Near You” and there are multiple form fills across the website to capture potential attendee emails. We then email that database once a month with new resources and a reminder of the upcoming Second Saturday, which they are encouraged to find near them.

Our website garners over 9,000 unique visitors a month and our Instagram account has grown by 25% in the last six months. Our Founders, Ginita Wall can Candace Bahr, were/are (depending on when you use this, the podcast goes live July 7th) featured on celebrity divorce attorney Laura Wasser's “It’s Over Easy” podcast promoting the Workshop and talking all things divorce.

While we, the “corporate” side of Second Saturday don’t do any targeted marketing for individual leaders, we do provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to run a Facebook or Instagram ad with a minimal budget (graphics included!), and your Leader Portal will have flyers and brochures you can print and distribute.

Because of our non-profit association with WIFE.org, as long as that logo remains on the printed material, you can post it at your local Starbucks, community center, and distribute it in a local newspaper. The sky is the limit in terms of what you can do to market your Workshop. We have leaders who have built relationships with their local newscasters and are a regular guest to promote their Workshop

While we generate national attention, it is up to you as the community Leader to generate local attention. We support you every step of the way with material and our monthly Leader Huddles are a chance to learn from seasoned Leaders on how they’ve successfully marketed their Workshop. [/expand]

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