What Everyone Needs to Know About Divorce

FINANCES: Create Financial Security for Yourself and Your Family

icon-moneyDivorce can mean the making the most important financial decisions of your entire life, but we are rarely emotionally equipped to make them! Ask questions.  Get different opinions from professionals.  Read these articles.  And, do not move forward until you are ready.


LEGAL MATTERS: Take Charge by Understanding the Law

icon-briefcaseWe know…it's confusing!  But you are not alone, and the resources we've provided will help you understand the different options available, and the best way to approach them.


EMPOWERMENT: Taking Steps Towards Emotional Freedom

Turbo ChargeThe more you know, the less you'll worry - that doesn't mean it will be easy, or all fears will magically vanish. It does mean that every small step you take in being informed becomes a big step towards your emotional freedom.
Continue to Empowerment


CHILDREN: Helping Your Kids Through Divorce

ChildrenYour children are the single most important part of this equation.  And, how you prepare, react and respond to and with them during this time will make all the difference in their well-being.  Bottom line: if you're okay, they will be too!
Continue to CHILDREN


Divorce Process


Pennsylvania Second Saturday Leader featured on BuxMont Live radio program

Blue Bell, Pennsylvania Second Saturday Leader Tim Seiders was featured on the BuxMont Live radio program, WNPV AM 1440.

Listen to the program

Candace Bahr: InvestmentNews “Women To Watch”

Second Saturday and WIFE.org co-founder honored by InvestmentNews Candace Bahr, owner of Bahr Investment Group, an LPL Financial-affiliated firm in Carlsbad, Calif., has made a profound…

Success Stories: Second Saturday Columbus, OH

From the leader of the Second Saturday workshop in Columbus, OH. Second Saturday is experiencing tremendous growth and success! First to address the workshop’s growth: …

Many of our Second Saturday Leaders are Male, and Each One is Really Terrific!

About 20% of our leaders are male, and each one is really terrific – and, their leading Second Saturday is quite a differentiator. They prove…

How Financial Professionals Can Help During Divorce

Divorce is an uphill battle, fought in language you don’t understand, using money you can’t spare, for a prize that’s only half of what you had before. What can you do to make sure your newly-overhauled financial ship doesn’t sink?

Looking for a Financial Professional? Check Out These Credentials

Sound financial advice during your divorce can help ensure a fair settlement that will help you get off to the best possible start in your new life. These are the financial professionals whose help you might benefit from in your divorce.

What Is a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst?

Nearly a million couples divorce each year in the U.S. and in the process, face some of the most important economic decisions of their lives. You may benefit greatly from the services of a financial professional trained to help you choose the best options for your future well-being—the Certified Divorce Financial Analyst.

Choosing a Financial Professional for Help with Your Divorce

You’ve decided to seek the assistance of a financial professional to help guide you in your divorce process. Someone with specific training and experience in divorce, a Certified Divorce Financial Analyst, comes highly recommended by a trustworthy friend.

How do you determine if they are the right match for you?

Six Places to Look for Hidden Assets in Divorce

When couples divorce, mistrust abounds. One of the first things people think of when their spouse asks them for divorce is, he must have been stashing away money.

You know more about your financial situation than any stranger could, so before you hire a private eye to look for hidden funds, think carefully about your circumstances and how your spouse could have squirreled money away.

Divorced at Last: How To Quit Complaining and Get On With Your Life

Your divorce is final, and it’s time to let go and move on. Are you ready? What will it take for you to truly pick up the pieces and rebuild a new and happy life for yourself?

Saving Money On Divorce

Many divorces these days are nasty, brutish, and all too long, not to mention damned expensive. With the average cost of divorce in the United States approaching $20,000 it is daunting to think about dissolving your marriage. Fortunately there are things you can do to save money on divorce, even if you are working with an attorney.

Moving Past Your Fears in Divorce

Dealing with fear is one of the biggest challenges in divorce. Fear is designed to keep us safe. How can we get a grip on fear and begin trusting ourselves to cope well with change?

Social Security Benefits for a Divorced Spouse

The former spouse of an employee who is getting retirement or disability benefits is entitled to a benefit on his record if she is at least 62 years old and they had been married for at least ten years before the divorce.

My Spouse Has Moved Out – Now What?

“He’s moved out – now what?” That’s a question that many women face. What’s the harm in that? Nothing, if you and your spouse have negotiated a legal agreement that specifies financial arrangements. Without such an agreement, though, you may be facing some financial perils.

Top Ten Questions to Ask Your Divorce Attorney in the Initial Interview

If you are contemplating a divorce, you may be shopping around to find a divorce lawyer to represent you. At the initial consultation, there are several important questions that you should ask.

Local Heroes: WIFE Co-Founders Honored by Union Bank and KPBS

As part of its ongoing commitment to cultural diversity and responsible banking, and in celebration of Women’s History Month, Union Bank, N.A., has partnered with KPBS to honor three extraordinary San Diegans for the 2013 Local Heroes program.

KPBS San Diego: WIFE Co-Founders Talk About Women and Their Money

WIFE co-founders Ginita Wall and Candace Bahr appearance on KPBS San Diego to talk about divorce, finances, Second SaturdaySM and the 25th anniversary of WIFE.org