Eastern Shore Second Saturday Divorce Workshop Where Held: OnlineVirtual meetings every month over Zoom. ONLINE WORKSHOPS YesOnline Workshop Date(s) Dates to Be AnnouncedOnline Workshop Time 9:00am- 12:00pmOnline Workshop Cost $15.00http://www.covingtonalsina.com/eventsZoom link will be emailed to you. IN-PERSON WORKSHOPS None Currently ScheduledCovingtonAlsinaEastern ShoreMaryland21658CovingtonAlsinaAnn Covington, CFP®, CPWA®info@covingtonalsina.com410-457-7165https://www.covingtonalsina.com/eventsWorkshop Registration https://www.covingtonalsina.com/eventsWhen Second Saturday of each monthStarting Time 9:00amEnding Time 12:00pmCost $15.00Payment Method Credit or debit cardPlease join us for our Second Saturday Divorce Workshop