Social Security Benefits for a Divorced Spouse

The former spouse of an employee who is getting retirement or disability benefits is entitled to a benefit on the ex-spouse’s record if he or she is at least 62 years old and they had been married for at least ten years before the divorce. Know the rules about social security and divorce.
A spouse divorced for at least two years can receive a divorced spouse’s benefit at age 62 if their former spouse is eligible for retirement benefits, whether or not the benefits have been claimed by the former spouse. As long as the ex-spouse is eligible for benefits, he or she can collect regardless of whether the ex-spouse has retired. Prior to 1985, a divorced spouse could receive benefits only if their ex-spouse had actually applied for and begun receiving benefits.
A divorced spouse is entitled to reduced survivors’ benefits after the death of their former spouse if he or she is at least 60 years old (50 if disabled) and was married to the former spouse for at least ten years before the divorce; he or she is entitled to full benefits at age 66, or at any age if he or she is caring for a child who is either under 16 or disabled and who is getting benefits on the same record. The child must be the spouse’s natural or legally adopted son or daughter. A divorced spouse can get benefits on the basis of child care only if the former spouse dies.
The rules on remarriage of divorced spouses are the same as those for widows and widowers.
Generally, a divorced spouse cannot collect social security under an ex-spouse’s earning record if he or she remarries before the age of 60. Remarriage after age 60 (or age 50 if he or she is disabled) will not prevent them from getting benefit payments based on their former spouse’s earnings record. Of course, if their own benefits or benefits based on their new spouse’s earnings record would be higher, they would collect those higher benefits instead.
For further information contact:
Social Security Administration:1-800-772-1213
I’m a ex-spouse of five years, who was married for over twenty-five years who never worked. I’m now disabled and collecting SSi. I work a small part-time job which I get $95.00 a week. I was told that my ex-spouse has died or that my ex-spouse is dying.
I was informed by a Social Security Representative, that if I contact Social Security they will force me to take around 33% of my ex-spouse’s monthly social security monthly check. But if I wait until I’m 66′ next year, I can have 100%.
How do I find out if my ex-spous has died without going to Social Security?
Perhaps you know someone who knows him and they can tell you if he has died. And I don’t think that you have correct information about the payments you would receive.